Not all our items are available for shipping. Items that are available for shipping will usually be shipped with Australia Post - postage prices will be reflected by that plus a small packaging fee should extra padding be required. Standard shipping times will be applicable unless Express is required. All shipping is POA.
If your item is damaged in transit please send detialed photos of the item, in some cases I may request the item be returned to store. Faulty items that have been purchased in-store please bring back to the store for inspection. Depending on your circumstances I will usually be happy to replace the item with a new or similar product if stock is available. Store credits or in some cases a refund may be applicable.
We have in-store card facilities & can take payments over the phone. We have direct deposit detials at the bottom of all quotes & invoices and can supply them if requested. We only Accept Cheques for payments of over $500.00.
Flooring Deposits of 50% are required upfront prior to stock being ordered.